search for calls containing specific keywords or phrases


Search for Calls Containing Specific Keywords or Phrases

Use this method to search for call transcriptions containing specific keywords or phrases. Wavix automatically labels speakers as an agent and a customer based on the call direction. You can search for phrases said by an agent, a customer, or both.

By default, the results are paginated, with 25 records per page.

This endpoint requires authentication.

POST /cdr
Endpoint Arguments*
body (Calltranscriptionsearchrequest)*

Search for calls containing specific keywords or phrases

Mandatory parameter. Use 'placed' to search in the outbound call transcriptions or 'received' to search in the inbound call transcriptions.

Mandatory parameter. Filter results by the lower limit on the date the call was placed or received. Has the following format `yyyy-mm-dd`

Mandatory parameter. Filter results by the upper limit on the date the call was placed or received. Has the following format `yyyy-mm-dd`

transcription (Transcriptionsearch)*

Transcription filter

Transcription status

Transcription language

agent (Keywordsandphrasesfilter)

A speaker spoken words and phrases search


Only calls with transcription that includes all of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical AND


Only calls with transcription that includes any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR


Only calls with transcription that does not include any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR

client (Keywordsandphrasesfilter)

A speaker spoken words and phrases search


Only calls with transcription that includes all of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical AND


Only calls with transcription that includes any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR


Only calls with transcription that does not include any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR

any (Keywordsandphrasesfilter)

A speaker spoken words and phrases search


Only calls with transcription that includes all of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical AND


Only calls with transcription that includes any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR


Only calls with transcription that does not include any of the specified keywords and phrases are returned. The listed keywords and phrases are combined using logical OR

Requested page

Number of records per page

Filter results by the originating phone number. The parameter can be either a full phone number or a part of it.

Filter results by destination phone number. The parameter can be either a full phone number or a part of it.

Filter results by the unique SIP trunk ID used to place an outbound call. For inbound calls the parameter is ignored.

Filter results by minimum call duration

Response Type

curl -X POST \
  --url '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
  "type": "placed",
  "from": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "to": "2023-01-31T00:00:00.000Z",
  "transcription": {
    "status": "completed",
    "language": "en"
  "page": 2,
  "per_page": 50