update sip trunk configuration copy


Update SIP Trunk Configuration - Copy

Use this method to update SIP trunk configuration.

This endpoint requires authentication.

PUT /trunks/{id}
Endpoint Arguments*

Unique ID of SIP trunk of the platform.

body (SIPTrunkConfiguration)*

The SIP trunk configuration parameters to be updated.

User-defined name of the SIP trunk

Password set for the SIP trunk

Caller ID to be set for the SIP trunk

Indicates if connection to the SIP trunk is allowed from whitelisted IPs only

Indicates if inbound calls carry dialed number information in the 'To' header of SIP Invites

Indicates if max call duration limit is activated for the SIP trunk.

Indicates if the max cost limit for an outbound call limit is activated for the SIP trunk.

Indicates if the max number of concurrent outbound calls limit is activated for the SIP trunk.

Indicates if a custom dial plan is activated for the SIP trunk.

Indicates if Caller ID passthrough feature is activated for the SIP trunk.

Max call duration for the SIP trunk, in seconds. Cannot be higher than the max call duration set for the account.

Max cost of an outbound call, in USD.

Max number of concurrent outbound calls placed via the SIP trunk. Cannot be higher than the outbound channel capacity configured on the account.

Leading digits to be added before dialed phone numbers.

Leading digits to be deleted from dialed numbers.

allowed_ips (AllowedIps)

Whitelisted IPs for the SIP trunk.

host_request (HostRequest)

Allows to add public IP address to be used for identification for a SIP trunk.

Public IP address to be used for identification.

Response Type


HTTP Status CodeError DescriptionException Class
Request failed. The feature is disabled for the account.
An object with the specified ID is not found.
curl -X PUT \
  --url 'https://api.wavix.com/v1/trunks/100?appid=appid' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
  "label": "My trunk",
  "password": "4r=h;EaCB85QNtr2",
  "callerid": "13132847320",
  "ip_restrict": false,
  "didinfo_enabled": true,
  "call_restrict": false,
  "cost_limit": false,
  "channels_restrict": false,
  "rewrite_enabled": true,
  "passthrough": false